Princess Yoyal

Once upon a time there was a queen and kind king. They had a beautiful daughter whom they called Yoyal.And from her grew a big,tall princess.Kind-hearted Yoyal’s giggles always cheered everyone up.

But, suddenly a witch came at night and took Yoyal away.When Yoyal woke up she didn’t see her parents but a rich,selfish,lazy queen who said “Welcome”.Poor Yoyal got scared even more when she spoke.The queen made her do all the work.Luckily, the work wasn’t too hard.She got breaks to rest but only five minutes.

Once, a sparrow saw such a life for such a beauty! She decided to help her. So, one day she went to her and said “Come with me “. But the queen shooed her away! Poor Yoyal cried the whole day and refused to work. The queen was so angry that she threw her down the window!

It was night and there was no light to guide her. Then there came a fairy. She knew she was the fairy who lived in her parent’s palace. She told Yoyal that the evil queen’s hunters killed them.Then she said “Come with me. I’ll help you escape this evil queen”. Yoyal thought it was the only thing left to do.

Finally, they reached what looked like a barren land. Then, a prince came out of nowhere. He said “Hello Yoyal. Welcome to Lovebeat. I’m prince Hans . Will you be my queen”? Yoyal happily said “Yes!”

That whole night music played, elves and fairies danced, as well as Hans and Yoyal. Then everyone lived happily ever after.

About saanvi

I am 8 yr old girl and I love to write poems , short stories and some times doing paintings. I also love to read story books, novels. My favorite authors are Ruskin Bond, Roald Dahl and Sudha Murthy.
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5 thoughts on “Princess Yoyal

  1. Awasome. Saanvi is very talented and god gifted . Saanvi , you write wonderful story . Keep it up .

  2. प्रिंसेस सान्वी की प्रिंसेस योएल बहुत प्यारी कहानी है।
    गॉड ब्लेस यू बेटा जी।

  3. Kudos to your imagination. God bless you and please maintain this habit. You will do wonders.

    Loving this line “Then, a prince came out of nowhere”.

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