Donkey and it’s Shadow

One day, A Donkey and his owner were walking down the road. A traveler asked , if he can hire his donkey to carry his bags. Donkey’s owner agreed for 5 silver coins. The traveler loaded his bags on donkey and they set off. Soon they were very tired. They decided to rest, but only shade they could find was…

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The Swing

The swing It takes me up and down Not exactly round It doesen’t take me anywhere But up in the air It feels like I’m everywhere Below me is the world Above me is the sky And , infront, twirling Are all the birds Cheering, cheering For me I swing and swing Like I’d never stop Below me is the…

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The Beauty of Morning

The sun is coming from so low, And all the creatures down below, They jump and clap and run around, But nature’s beauty makes no sound, But the trees shake with joy, it’s true, For the arrival of a day so new, How the birdies chirp and sing, And that’s how a morning begins.