Jumpy Pumpy Vegetables

    The beans are so jumpy,
    The carrots reach the sky,
    The baby corn runs away,
His mother starts to cry.
                   “Oh dear, oh dear,
                  Where have you gone?
                  With the baby carrots
                  Or the papa corn?”

The drumsticks are drumming
Their knuckles on the chair,
And the zucchinis           
Are hopping everywhere.
A great white radish
Just fell off the basket,
And fell headlong
Into the dolls’ casket.

The princess of Some-land
Said to the clinic’s nurse,
“Those jumpy-pumpy vegetables
Are immune to every curse!”

About saanvi

I am 8 yr old girl and I love to write poems , short stories and some times doing paintings. I also love to read story books, novels. My favorite authors are Ruskin Bond, Roald Dahl and Sudha Murthy.
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