The Shop

The Shop

When Koki, me and Mom, we all ran a shop 🏬

Our first encounter was sore

We just encountered with Mrs. Karen Kounter👛

As she banged her fist on the door. 🚪

“Now, where are the rubies?!” she yelled at Miss Judy ♦️

She was new, and turned quite pale.

“’Ten rupees priced neat’, oh, that’s quite cheap, 💳

‘And not for retail sale’.”

“This necklace looks rusty,” she said, feeling flustered,

“I hope your roof hasn’t leaked.” 📿

“I’m sure it hasn’t,” said Ms Kim Hazent,

“Though I think the pearls are tweaked.”

Next, she wanted emerald earrings, but we had none: 👛🟩

“What kind of a shop is this?”

“That’s it! I’m leaving!”, No matter how much we pleaded,

We could not coax dear Miss.

Next came the Sondas, with their anaconda- 🐍

But it was calmer than miss Karen’s face!

While they were choosing a ring, the phone gave a ding-

And a voice yelled- “DON’T EVER SELL AGAIN!”

About saanvi

I am 8 yr old girl and I love to write poems , short stories and some times doing paintings. I also love to read story books, novels. My favorite authors are Ruskin Bond, Roald Dahl and Sudha Murthy.
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